Pivot Empowerment Society – Trauma Recovery Survey

March 1, 2024

Have your voice heard by taking our survey to help us understand our community’s needs as it relates to addiction.

With support from the Red Cross Community Services Recovery Fund, Pivot Empowerment Society is creating a Trauma Recovery Support Training to empower and educate recovery supporters within our community. Our intention is to fill the gap between harm reduction and overdoses by training individuals with lived experience to become an advocate for recovery and the voice of possibility while also supporting those who wish to better understand the grips that addiction can have on a person’s life. 

We are dedicated to finding solutions that are supportive of a safer and healthier community and we would love to hear what you think.

Please take a brief moment to answer a few short questions so we can better understand the needs of our community. 

*This survey is anonymous and all data collected is used in confidence by Pivot Empowerment, Education & Recovery Society.

Thank You!